The Introvert’s Guide to Sharpening Communication Skills
If you’re an introvert, you’re probably familiar with the feeling of not knowing what to say, or thinking you’re bad at small talk. Especially for those hoping to start their own business, communication is key—and though introverts tend to be creative and innovative people, many of us struggle with the constant conversations that our jobs require. But learning how to communicate effectively isn’t impossible, and can even teach you more about yourself. Here are seven strategies for introverts to build effective social skills.
Communicate With Others Daily
Think of a Few Conversation Topics Ahead of Time
Especially if you’re still building basic communication skills, coming up with a few opening lines or potential topics of conversation can be comforting and empowering. Write a few down in a notebook or smartphone app, and carry them around with you, just in case. Even if you don’t end up using them, having these ideas around will increase your confidence and ensure you’re never left with nothing to say.
Stop Apologizing
For one, it’s not your fault. More importantly, chances are that the person you’re speaking with hasn’t even noticed. For all you know, they might be busy worrying about the exact same thing.
Choose an Environment/Time That You Find Comfortable
If you’re setting up a meeting with a client or employer, pick a location where you feel at ease—a favourite coffee shop, a park, a neighbourhood pub. If you’re chatting online, the same rule applies: suggest times for Skype calls and phone interviews when you’re feeling the most energized.
Learn to Let Pauses Happen
Focus on Your Strengths and Flaunt Them
Even the most antisocial of introverts are bound to have a few social strengths. Whether it’s a talent for jokes, an ability to listen effectively, or a good memory, the trick is to figure out what your skills are, and focus on improving those skills wherever you can. Good communication is all about exchange: both you and your conversation partner(s) are bringing something to the table.
Don’t Forget to Take Time for Yourself
Besides good communication, there are other important skills every enterprising individual (introverted or otherwise) should know. Check out these 10 free online classes for creatives/entrepreneurs.
Start building your network online by giving yourself a website that speaks volumes. Get started for free right here.
Photos: Yulia Mayorova /,,,,