What Do You Do If the Domain Name You Want is Taken?

Picture it: you’ve come up with the perfect domain name for your business or blog. You head to Rebel.com (natch) and search for it, only to find it’s been claimed by someone else.

This is the moment that you slowly slide down a wall in despair, right?

Think again. Rebel has partnered with DomainAgents to help you secure the domain you really want.

What is DomainAgents?

DomainAgents is a domain name negotiation platform and marketplace. They provide domain name buyers and sellers neutral start-to-finish support, while adding security, structure and confidentiality to negotiations.

How does it work?

Here’s the lowdown. When you search for a domain name on Rebel that has already been purchased, you’ll see a new pop-up asking you if you want to work DomainAgents to buy the domain from the current owner.

For $19.95, your offer will be presented to the current owner. By engaging with them through DomainAgents, you will be demonstrating that your interest is serious – and that your transaction will be secure.

How do I get started?

When you’re presented with the DomainAgents pop-up, simply select “I Want to Learn More” to be taken to the DomainAgents website to continue with your transaction.

DomainAgents will present your offer to the owner to see if they are interested in selling their domain name. If they’re not, you will receive a credit back on your DomainAgents account.

How much should I offer?

This is up to you, but the minimum offer required by DomainAgents is $200. This shows the current owner that you are serious and are willing to negotiate to get the domain that is best for you. We recommend doing research before entering into negotiations with the owner to determine how much you would like to offer.

DomainAgents will work with you to provide advice and education. They’ll let you know if your offer is reasonable or if you are entering into an uphill battle over a domain that they know the owner just won’t part with.

So get searching. And if the domain of your dreams isn’t available right away, you can rest assured knowing that Rebel has got you covered with a back-up plan.