“Help” connects us. No matter if you are B2B, B2C, charity, product or service - we all need help from time to time.
Dedicating support for your audience shows diligence and accountability. Customers connect with businesses and organizations that show they care about customer experience, as well as the ideas they are representing. Whether you provide training, support customers or employees, or assist those in need, .help is your dedicated resource to serve others.
.help goes beyond FAQs
Learner.Coursera.help - online course support

When you’re operating a billion dollar company and delivering online course technology to the likes of Stanford, Google, and IBM, a robust help center is a must. Rather than cluttering your primary site, you can register YourBusiness.help or YourProduct.help for a dedicated customer support portal. These domains can also be used as intuitive shortcuts to help articles, like YourBusiness.help/password-reset. Best of all, your .help site can rank in search engines for frequently asked questions. Research shows that the majority of people prefer to use search engines when seeking help, and a .help name is a great way to make your knowledge more accessible to Internet users worldwide. Try searching for “Coursera support,” and Learner.Coursera.help is the #1 search result!
COVID19Italia.help - Coronavirus reporting in Italy

Sourced in over 50 Italian news articles, COVID19Italia.help demonstrates how a .help site can become a dedicated resource for any topic you’re passionate about. Like a news site or advanced wiki, multiple contributors can publish updates or manage different sections. Build .help domains for current events, life hacks, or complex issues to become an internet destination for your chosen subject matter.
HOI.help - Housing Opportunities Inc.

Housing Opportunities Inc. is a nonprofit that provides affordable housing and other assistance to communities in Indiana. Rather than settling for a longer domain name, they were able to register their initials, HOI, with .help as the perfect domain ending to define their purpose.
Nonprofits and organizations with missions to assist others need to look no further than .help when building an online presence. Not only does .help tell your audience what you do, but it’s also a call-to-action for them to contribute or volunteer themselves.
Register YourMission.help, YourServices.help, or YourSubjectMatter.help to start helping others.
Here’s how more customers are using their .help domains:
Personal use: YourName.help, YourInitials.help, FirstName@LastName.help
Business & services: YourBusiness.help, YourSpecialty.help, EmployeeResources.help
Tips & information: TravelTips.help, CurrentEvent.help, TrainingTopic.help
Nonprofits: YourOrganization.help, YourMission.help, YourCommunity.help
Feeling inspired yet? Register your .help domains now for just $9.99 at Rebel!